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Sunday 27 July 2014

Filled Under:

Frozen Fan Art 1



Well, for me, Anna is the hardest one to make. I worked really hard on those eyes and hair and i had no idea about the clothes. A bit confusing. For me, the outfit was epic fail xD

Bagi saya sih, Anna itu yang paling susah dibikin. Paling susah itu bikin mata sama rambutnya. Apalagi bajunya, nggak ngerti gimana bikinnya. Itu buktinya, bajunya Anna ancur xD


Elsa is the first one to draw. Well, drawing her is not dat hard, but coloring her hair was so difficuilt. I was confused because i don't have the crayon so i use pencil color. Out of my expectation, her clothes were very easy to draw. Yea, it looks hard but actually it's pretty easy

Elsa itu yang pertama kali kugambar. Menggambar Elsa tidak sesusah yang kukira, tapi mewarnai rambutnya sangatlah sulit. Karena saya bingung tidak memiliki krayon yang pas. Tapi di luar dugaan, bajunya sangat mudah dibuat. Ya, keliatannya sih emang susah, tapi sebenernya mudah kok!


Hey Everyone! Im Olaf and I love warm hugs. I knew everyone would tell me that Olaf is the easiest one to draw. Yeah, damn easy cause his main color is white, just let me add a bit of grey and everything fixed.

Hai Semuanya! Aku Olaf dan aku suka pelukan hangat. Semua orang bilang kalau Olaf adalah yang paling gampang digambar. Tentu, karena warna dasarnya cuma putih, dikasih abu-abu dikit udah perfect kok.


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